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首頁 師資介紹 師資陣容 左星樺 Nicolas David ZORZIN
左星樺 Nicolas David ZORZIN
左星樺 Nicolas David ZORZIN
職稱 副教授
學歷 英國南安普敦大學考古學博士
研究專長 公眾考古學、考古學田野方法、考古倫理學
電話 (06)2757575轉52564
電子郵件 z10608010@email.ncku.edu.tw

Assistant Professor. Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University. (2017.08 - present)

Research Fellow & Adjunct Professor(Taiwan) / Taiwan Fellowship – Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Academia Sinica Post-Doctoral Grant / National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica (2016-2017)

Research Fellow (France) / Fernand Braudel – IFER Fellowships incoming – Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH). / Université Paris 1 (Panthéon – Sorbonne); Université Paris Ouest (Nanterre, La Défense); CNRS (UMR 8215 Trajectoires) (2015)

Associate Research Fellow (Canada) / Semestre d’étude Grèce du Nord et Balkans » (Research and teaching program in Northern Greece and the Balkans). / Université de Montréal (2014)


  1. Wang, B-C., K.-F. Chung, and N. Zorzin (2021). Breaking the exploitative chains of a commodified archaeological practice in Taiwan through community engagement, Ex-Novo – Journal of Archaeology 6, Peer-review process.
  2. Zorzin, N. (2021). Is an Archaeology of Degrowth conceivable?, Archaeological Dialogues 28(1) (June 2021), pp. 1-16.
  3. Zorzin, N. (2021). Is an Archaeology of Degrowth conceivable? – Reply to Comments, Archaeological Dialogues 28(1), pp.28-35.
  4. Zorzin, N. (2020). Alternating Cycles of Politics of Forgetting and Remembering the past in Taiwan, In V. Apaydin, Critical perspectives on cultural memory and heritage. Construction, transformation and destruction. University College of London (UCL Press – February 18th, 2020), London, Chapter 16 pp.269-288 (MOST GRANT)
  5. Vandevelde, A. & N. Zorzin (2019, Dec). De la « professionnalisation » à la «vassalisation » - L’archéologue, entre « éthique professionnelle » et «responsabilité sociale d’entreprise . Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique , 109-119.
  6. Zorzin, Nicolas (2018, Feb). Archaeology and development in Taiwan - the case of Hanben. AP: Journal in Public Archaeology, 21-32. 本人為第一作者.
  7. Marinov, I. & N. Zorzin (2017). Thracology and Nationalism in Bulgaria – Deconstructing Contemporaneous Historical & Archaeological Representations. Ex-Novo 2 (December 2017), accepted for publication on September 10th, 2017, pp. 79-106.
  8. Zorzin, N. & C. Gates St-Pierre (2017). The Sociopolitics of Archaeology in Quebec: Regional Developments within Global Trends, Archaeologies 13 (3): pp. 412-434 (Special WAC-8 Volume – December 2017).
  9. Hamilakis Y. et al. (2017). Koutroulou Magoula in Fthiotida, Central Greece: A Middle Neolithic tell site in context. In Sarris, A. et.al., Communities, Landscapes and Interaction in Neolithic Greece, Proceedings of the International Conference - Rethymno, Crete (Greece), 29-30 May 2015, pp. 81-96.
  10. Zorzin, N. (2017) TRANSLATION. Arqueología distópica: la implementación de la lógica del capital en el manejo del patrimonio, in Gnecco, C. & A. Schmidt Dias, Crítica de la razón arqueológica - Arqueología de contrato y capitalismo (Colección Perspectivas Arqueológicas), Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia - ICANH, Bogotá, pp. 163-188.
  11. Zorzin, N. (2016). New Managerial Strategies in British Commercial Archaeology, In P. Aparicio Resco (ed.) Archaeology and Neoliberalism, JAS Arqueología S.L.U (December 2016), Madrid, pp. 297-325.
  12. Schlanger, N., J.-P. Demoule, L. Hachem, L. Nespoulous, O. Weller, & N. Zorzin (2016). L'archéologie mondiale à l'heure du Japon. Compte rendu du 8e World Archaeology Congress à Kyōto (28/08-2/09/2016), Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie 146, pp. 49-54.
  13. Zorzin, N. (2016). Économie et philosophie politique de l’archéologie préventive française : naissance, institutionnalisation et in-corporation d’un commun. Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie 146, pp. 55-59.
  14. Zorzin, N. (2015) TRANSLATION. Arqueologia Distópica: a implementação da lógica do capital na gestão do patrimônio, Revista de Arqueologia 28 (2) (Sociedade de Arqueologi Brasileira), 
  15. Zorzin, N. (2015). Dystopian Archaeologies: The Implementation of the Logic of Capital in Heritage Management. In C. Gnecco & A. Dias (eds.) “Disentangling contract archaeology.” (A special issue of the) International Journal of Historical Archeology 19(4), Springer, New-York, pp. 791-809.
  16. Zorzin, N. (2015). Archaeology and Capitalism – Successful Relationship or Economic and Ethical Alienation? In Gnecco C. & D. Lippert (eds.) Ethics and Archaeological Praxis. World Archaeological Congress (WAC), Springer, New-York, London, volume 1, pp. 115-139.
  17. Zorzin, N. (2015). Book Review: PINTAL, J.-Y., PROVENCHER J. & PIÉDALUE, G. (Eds) - AIR: Archéologie du Québec – Territoire et Peuplement. Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec 45 (1), pp. 122-125.
  18. Zorzin, N. (2014). A review of the working environment of the consulting archaeology in Victoria in I. Berelov, M. Eccleston, & D. Frankel (eds.) Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria 3: pp. 65-74.
  19. Zorzin, N. (2014). Heritage Management and Aboriginal People: Relations in a Global Economy - The contemporary challenges of Victoria (Australia), Archaeologies 10 (2) (Journal of the World Archaeological Congress – August 2014), pp.132-167.
  20. Zorzin, N. (2013). The political-economy of Japanese archaeology - reflective thoughts on current organisational dynamics. Japanese Journal of Archaeology (1), pp. 1-17.
  21. Moens, N. & N. Zorzin (2013). Ethics of the Archaeological Record: Is Digging Still a Reasonable Objective for Modern Archaeology? In Smith, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, New York: Springer, Vol.4, pp. 2498-2507.
  22. Hamilakis Y. & N. Kyparissi-Apostolika, with contributions of James Cole, Tom Loughlin, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Vasilis Tsamis, & Nicolas Zorzin (2012). Koutroulou Magoula in central Greece: from the Neolithic to the present. Antiquity 86 (333), project gallery access at: http://www.antiquity.ac.uk/projgall/hamilakis333/ 
  23. Zorzin, N. (2012). The Political-economy of Victoria archaeology: an introduction and critical analysis. In Berelov, I. M. Eccleston, & D. Frankel. Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria Volume 1 (2012), pp. 75-79.
  24. Zorzin, N. (2012). Book Review : MATTHEWS. N. M. The Archaeology of American Capitalism: The American Experience in an Archaeological Perspective, University Press, Florida (2010). Labour/Le Travail 70: pp. 303-5.
  25. Zorzin, N. (2011). Contextualising Contract Archaeology in Quebec - Political-Economy and Economic Dependencies. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 26(1) : pp. 119-135.
  26. Zorzin, N. (2010). Archéologie au Québec – Portrait d’une profession. Revue de l’association des archéologues du Québec. Archéologiques 23: pp .1-15.
  27. Zorzin, N. (2009). Book Review : BRÉAUD. E. Ed. Le Patrimoine méditerranéen en question – Sites archéologiques, musées de sites, nouveaux musées. Journal of Hellenic Studies 128: pp.264-5.




  1. Zorzin, N. (2021). “The Politics of Archaeological Heritage Management in France”. PubarchMEDfin Conference – Archaeological practice and society in the Mediterranean, April 16-18th, 2021, Spain.
  2. Zorzin, N. (2020). “Archaeology in Taiwan – Past, Present, and Prospects”, 臺灣考古學會 The Archaeological Society of Taiwan, Taipei, September 12th, 2020.
  3. Zorzin, N. (2020). “What organisation for Taiwanese archaeology? Past, present and prospects”. Lecture at the Anthropology Department, of the National Taiwan University (NTU), June 13th, 2020, (Taiwan).
  4. Zorzin, N. (2019). Archaeology as a Socio-Political Actor: “The power of collaboration” in Koutroulou Magoula project, Workshop held in Athens, at the British Archaeological School at Athens, 12-13th January, 2019 (Greece).
  5. Zorzin N. (2019, Sep). Is Archaeology Conceivable in Degrowth? - (Une archéologie dans la décroissance est-elle possible?). European Association of Archaeologists 2019 - Session no. 74 "De-colonisation at EAA 25 years on: the social economic contribution of cultural heritage conservation“ , Bern, Switzerland. 本人為第一作者.
  6. Zorzin N. (2019, Jan). Archaeology as a Socio-Political Actor: “The power of collaboration” in Koutroulou Magoula project (2001-2019). Koutroulou Magoula 2001-2018 - A Workshop, British School at Athens, Athens, Greece. 本人為第一作者.
  7. Vandevelde-Rougale A. & N. Zorzin (2018, May). De la «professionnalisation» à la «vassalisation»:l’archéologue, entre «éthique professionnelle» et «responsabilité sociale d’entreprise» . Colloque Archéo-éthique, 25-26 Mai 2018, Paris III. Les tensions entre l’éthique scientifique et les contraintes professionnelles , Paris, France.
  8. Zorzin N. (2017, Dec). Alternating Cycles of the Politics of Forgetting and Remembering the past in Taiwan. TAG 2017 Cardiff - Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference , Cardiff, United Kingdom. MOST 106-2914-I-006-060-A1. 本人為第一作者.
  9. Zorzin N. & Gates St-Pierre, C. (2016, Aug). New Corporate Strategies in the Management of Rescue Archaeology: an overview in UK & Japan. The Eighth World Archaeological Congress -“WAC-8 Kyoto” in 2016, Aug. 28th – Sep. 2nd, Kyoto, Japan. 本人為第一作者.
 計畫名稱 計畫內擔任的工作 起訖年月 補助或委託機構
希臘北部新石器時代Toumba Serres 遺址考古調查計畫 計畫主持人 2019.06-2020.06 科技部
新石器時代晚期Toumba Serron遺址跨國考古研究 計畫主持人 2021.08-2023.07 科技部


  1. Zorzin, N.. Alternating cycles of the politics of forgetting and remembering the past in Taiwan. Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage - Construction, Transformation and Destruction (ISBN: 978-1-8735-484-5). London: UCL Press. Mar, 2020: 269-288. MOST 106-2914-I-006-060-A1.
  2. Zamarbide Urdaniz, A. & N. Zorzin. Connecting and creating new and existing socio-cultural spaces for all Users in Petrovaradin Fortress. Dossier Petrovaradin: Managing Historic Urban Landscapes (ISBN: 978-86-5871-40-5). Belgrade, Serbia: Faculty of sport and tourism, Novi Sad, Serbia Europa Nostra, Belgrade, Serbia Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad, Serbia. Aug, 2019: 82-87.
  3. Zorzin, N.. Privatization of a common? - A focus on Novi-Sad’s Exit festival. Dossier Petrovaradin: Managing Historic Urban Landscapes (ISBN: 978-86-85871-40-5). Belgrade, Serbia: Faculty of sport and tourism, ovi Sad, Serbia Europa Nostra, Belgrade, Serbia Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad, Serbia. Aug, 2019: 108-111.
  4. Zorzin, N. & Zamarbide Urdaniz, A.. Archaeological heritage prospective uses and practices in the Petrovaradin Fortress. Dossier Petrovaradin: Managing Historic Urban Landscapes (ISBN: 978-86-85871-40-5). elgrade, Serbia:Faculty of sport and tourism, Novi Sad, Serbia Europa Nostra, Belgrade, Serbia Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad,Serbia. Aug, 2019: 118-123.
  5. Zorzin, N.. Nuevas estrategias de gestión en arqueología comercial británica en el año 2015. Arqueología y Neoliberalismo (ISBN: 978-84-944368-6-4). Madrid, Spain: JAS Arqueología S.L.U. Jan, 2019: 325-358.
  6. Yannis Hamilakis, Nina Kyparissi-Apostolika, Thomas Loughlin, Tristan Carter, James Cole, Yorgos Facorellis, Stella Katsarou, Aggeliki Kaznesi, Areti Pentedeka, Vasileios Tsamis, and Nicolas Zorzin (Field Director). outroulou Magoula in Phthiotida, Central Greece: A Middle Neolithic Tell Site in Context. Communities, Landscapes and Interaction in Neolithic Greece, Proceedings of the International Conference - Rethymno, Crete Greece), 29-30 May 2015(ISBN: 978-1879621473). Athens, Greece: Berghahn Books, International Monographs in Prehistory: Archaeological Series (20) (Book 20). Sep, 2017: 81-96. Nicolas Zorzin operated as the Field Director of the Excavation of Koutroulou Magoula since 2015 (and previously as co-director since 2009)..
  7. Zorzin, Nicolas. Arqueología distópica: la implementación de la lógica del capital en el manejo del patrimonio. Crítica de la razón arqueológica - Arqueología de contrato y capitalismo (ISBN: 978-958-8852-41-6). Bogotá:Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia - ICANH. Feb, 2017: 163-188.
  8. Zorzin, Nicolas. New Managerial Strategies in British Commercial Archaeology. Archaeology and Neoliberalism (ISBN: 978-84-944368-7-1). Madrid: JAS Arqueología S.L.U . Dec, 2016: 297-325.
  9. Zorzin, Nicolas. Archaeology and Capitalism – Successful Relationship or Economic and Ethical Alienation? . Ethics and Archaeological Praxis (ISBN:978-1-4939-1646-7). New-York, London: Springer. Oct, 2015: 115-139.



  1. Zorzin N. (Project Director) (2019). Toumba Serron Project (Late Neolithic - Greece) – Report on the 2019 Survey, 167p.
  2. Zorzin N. (Field Director) (2019). Koutroulou Magoula Project (6th millennium B.C. - Greece) – Report on the 2019 Excavation, 101p.
  3. Zorzin N. (Field Co-Director) (2018). Koutroulou Magoula Project (6th millennium B.C. - Greece) – Report on the 2018 Excavation, 20p.
  4. Zorzin N. (Field Director) (2017). Koutroulou Magoula Project (6th millennium B.C. - Greece) – Report on the 2017 Excavation, 125p.
  5. Zorzin N. (Field Director) (2015, Dec). Koutroulou Magoula 2019 - Archaeology and Ethnography Project: Excavation Report, 77p. . Annual Excavation Report.



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