Home News Events 【International Conference】Maritime Exchange and Localization across the South China Sea, 500 BC-500 AD (Registration : September 1- October 15, 2018)
Title 【International Conference】Maritime Exchange and Localization across the South China Sea, 500 BC-500 AD (Registration : September 1- October 15, 2018)
Date 2018-08-28


International Conference on 

"Maritime Exchange and Localization across the South China Sea, 500 BC-500 AD"



The Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and the French School of Asian Studies (Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient, EFEO) have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the international conference on Maritime Exchange and Localization across the South China Sea, 500 BC-500 AD to be held on November 9-10, 2018 in Tainan, Taiwan.

The objective of this meeting is to gather archaeologists from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe to discuss how the dynamics of inter-regional interactions and localizations during the Metal Age have played out in different areas of the South China Sea. We intend to focus on understanding how various cultures were exposed and reacted to outside incentives and how they incorporated novel influences into local developments, through discussions on several topics, including pottery traditions, production and transmission of glass beads, initiation and diffusion of high-temperature knowledge, urn jar burials, as well as megaliths.


Date and location 研討會日期、地點

November 9-10, 2018 – C-Hub 1F, Kuang-fu Campus, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

2018年11月9-10日 – 國立成功大學(光復校區) C-Hub 1F


Conference website 研討會網址



Registration Dates 報名期間

Registration : September 1- October 15, 2018



Conference Registration 報名聯結




Organizers 主辦單位

Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學  考古學研究所

French School of Asian Studies (EFEO) 法國遠東學院


Contact info 聯絡資訊

NCKU: Ms. Yu-tz Tung 董又慈小姐 yutztung@gmail.com  06-2757575#52550

EFEO: Ms. Pin-Hua Chou 周品華小姐 efeotpe@mail.ihp.sinica.edu.tw  02-27829555#275


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