• 考古所113-1行事曆
  • 2024/12/25 Phillip Endicott 專題講座
  • 國立成功大學考古學研究所學生碩士論文計畫補助要點
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  • Face Book  左營鳳山縣舊城考古
首頁 最新消息 所務公告 【徵聘】本所徵聘專任教師1名(截止日:112年11月30日)
主旨 【徵聘】本所徵聘專任教師1名(截止日:112年11月30日)
公告日期 2023-09-28




(一) 徵聘領域:生態考古學(以動物考古學、體質人類學為優先)
(二) 名額:1名
(三) 資格:具考古學相關學科之博士學位或助理教授(含)以上者
(四) 應備資料:
         1. 教師履歷表 (依本所格式填寫)
         2. 歷年著作目錄
         3. 博士學位證書及成績單影本1份
         4. 教育部頒發教師證影本(本項無則免附)
         5. 工作經歷證明影本  
         6. 個人學術研究規劃書
         7. 五年內已出版之代表著作1種(若以博士論文做為代表著作申請助理教授職等者,不受出版與否之限制)
         8. 七年內參考著作
         9. 推薦函3封
        10. 二門開設課程授課大綱(依本所格式填寫)


(五) 徵聘截止日:中華民國112年11月30日前(以郵戳為憑),將應徵資料寄出至本所(逾期恕不受理)。
(六) 聯絡電話:06-2757575轉52550(考古所所辦公室)
(七) 郵寄地址:701台南市東區大學路1號 國立成功大學考古學研究所(請註明「專任教師應聘資料」)


備註: 1.新聘專任教師預定起聘日期為中華民國113年8月1日。



National Cheng Kung University, Institute of Archaeology

Position of Assistant Professor (and above)


Research Field: Ecological Archaeology(Expertise in fauna analysis and physical anthropology are of prior considerations)

Qualification: Assistant Professor (and above) or with a PhD in Archaeology or related discipline.

Vital Requirements:

  1. Curriculum Vitae.
  2. A list of all your publications.
  3. PhD diploma and transcript.

(A foreign degree must be authenticated by Taiwan Ministry of Education, and an authentication document must be produced by the Taiwan Representative Office of the country/nation where the degree is issued (e.g. if the PhD is attained from an university in the UK, you can authenticate your diploma through the British Office Taipei – Please, check the specific procedure with the Taiwan Representative Office near you as this procedure might be time consuming)

  1. Certificate of employment (if applicable).

(If you have a teacher certificate issued by Taiwan Ministry of Education, please provide a copy)

  1. Future academic research statement
  2. One representative publication published in the last 5 years (unpublished PhD dissertation qualified as a representative work).
  3. Reference publications published within the last 7 years.
  4. Three letters of recommendation.
  5. Two proposed course syllabus. (fill in our prescribed format) 
    • Please provide one hard copy and one soft copy of the listed above. For Item, “Three Letters of Recommendation”, the recommender should mail to the institution directly, or email to our official mailbox: em52550@email.ncku.edu.tw.


Deadline: 30 Nov. 2023. (Determined by the date on the postmark)

Telephone: +886-6-2757575 ext. 52550 (Institute of Archaeology)

Address: No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)

        Institute of Archaeology, NCKU. (Please mark “Position Application”)



  1. The starting date for this position is August 1st, 2024.
  2. After reviewed by the committee, the institute will inform you the time for the interview.
相關檔案 徵聘公告 Vacancy 教師履歷表格式 增設課程表格式
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