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首頁 最新消息 活動資訊 【EFEO-IHP Conference】Elisabeth CHABANOL女士, 105年12月12日中研院場
主旨 【EFEO-IHP Conference】Elisabeth CHABANOL女士, 105年12月12日中研院場
公告日期 2016-12-06

The French School of Asian Studies (EFEO), Taipei Center, and the Archaeology of Taiwan and Southeast Asia, IHP, Academia Sinica have the honor to invite you to attend the conference given by




Elisabeth CHABANOL


( Researcher of EFEO)




on theme:


The Archaeological investigation and excavation of the Kaesŏng Fortress (DPRK). Koryŏ kingdom capital (668-1408)






Date: December 12, 2016, at 12:00 pm


Venue: Room 702, Research Building, IHP, Academia Sinica, Taipei City




The conference will be held in English.


Sandwiches and fruits will be served.


Registration is required before December 7.




法國遠東學院臺北中心 謹啟
École française d’Extrême-Orient
Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica. Nankang
Taipei City 11529, TAIWAN
法國遠東學院 臺北中心
臺灣 臺北市 南港區 11529
中央研究院 歷史語言研究所
Tel. : 886 2 26 52 31 77
Fax : 886 2 27 85 20 35

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