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首頁 最新消息 活動資訊 【本所活動】「科學考古的新方向」工作坊
主旨 【本所活動】「科學考古的新方向」工作坊
公告日期 2018-09-10

BITSS 工作坊 2018



New Directions in Archaeological Science: Improving Transparency, Openness and Reproducibility (科學考古的新方向)



107/9/21 () 9:00 ~ 12:00





Ben Marwick (Associate Professor, University of Washington, USA)


Ben Marwick is an Associate Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He researches palaeolithic archaeology in mainland Southeast Asia and surrounding regions. He has active field research projects with local and international collaborators in Vietnam and Myanmar. His research has been published in Nature, Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, and others. He is the chair of the Society of American Archaeology. Open Science in Archaeology Interest Group where he works with the Society to promote openness and transparency in archaeology. He is an internationally-recognised authority on reproducible research in archaeology and the social sciences in general, and has been invited to lecture on this topic at Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Berlin, Switzerland and throughout the US.



In many scientific fields today, there is an increasingly urgent concern about the openness and transparency of research results. This is because of several high-profile failures attempts to replicate famous results from past research. In archaeology we are not immune from these concerns, as the recent scandal from Untermassfeld, Germany, demonstrates. In this workshop I will (1) introduce the problems that we face with transparency and reproducibility in archaeology, (2) describe the cutting-edge software tools and services that many archaeologists are now using to solve these problems, and (3) provide hands-on introductory training in the use of these tools for archaeological science research and teaching. At the end of the workshop participants will have an improved understanding of the need to embrace transparent and open research practices in their work, and possess basic skills in the use of tools and services to make their research more transparent and reproducible.



  1. 因為有實際電腦操作,請各位參與工作坊的同學老師們攜帶筆電,以及充電器以備不時之需
  2. 在工作坊之前,麻煩請先下載及安裝好以下兩個免費的程式軟體(安裝過程中接受所有預設),以節省教學時間,感謝!
  3. a. R: Windows版本 (https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/release.htm) 或是 OSX版本(https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/R-latest.pkg
  1. RStudio: 進入後選擇作業系統下載https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download
  1. 如有任何問題,可以直接寫信給我們 bmarwick@uw.edu (English) 或 liying15@uw.edu (中文)


工作坊流程 (9:00–12:00)





Introduction & Open Access, Open Data, Open Methods



Data Organization in Spreadsheets



Introduction to R & RStudio

guided hands-on activity


Introduction to data analysis with the tidyverse

guided hands-on activity


Introduction to data analysis with the tidyverse

guided hands-on activity


Introduction to visualisation with ggplot2

guided hands-on activity


Introduction to visualisation with ggplot2

guided hands-on activity


Wrap up

guided hands-on activity




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