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首頁 最新消息 活動資訊 【其他活動】「宗教、暴力與多元文化主義:跨學門之整合探討」國際研討會(即日起-11/16開放報名)
主旨 【其他活動】「宗教、暴力與多元文化主義:跨學門之整合探討」國際研討會(即日起-11/16開放報名)
公告日期 2018-10-30


International Conference of “Religion, Violence and Multiculturalism: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry”





What makes followers of a religion resort to violence in the name of their religion and become a menace to humanity in a multi-cultural society? Confrontation between different religious communities certainly took place in ancient times as well today. Furthermore, religious conflicts not only happen between the faithful of different traditions, but also within different denominations of the same tradition. If religion essentially teaches peace, love and compassion, how do we make sense of religious animosity? How possibly could a spirit of mutual respect be cultivated in an era of pluralism among adherents of various religious faiths? This conference intends to address above questions from various angles. 

In this conference, international and Taiwanese scholars of different disciplines are invited together to conduct a constructive dialogue on religion, violence and multi-culture. Diachronic as well as synchronic approaches are encouraged to explore the relevant issues and problems throughout the course of history; and investigation of both theory and praxis are expected to undertake for giving serious reflection to the subject. Through solid scholarship, critical observations on religious conflicts in pre-modern history and post-colonialist communal violence are to be expected in the conference; while relevant political and social contexts will also be explored. It is earnestly hoped that through international exchange of ideas, this conference hope to bring about a better understanding of the complicated relations between religion, violence and multi-culture.


研討會子題 Themes of the conference:


  • 華人民間信仰與宗教暴力 Popular religions and violence amongst Chinese communities
  • 帝國政治與宗教暴力 Imperial politics and religious violence
  • 多元文化與宗教對話 Multi-culture and religious dialogue
  • 東亞地區之宗教、文化問題 Issues and problems of religions and cultures in East Asia
  • 東南亞地區之宗教、文化問題 Issues and problems of religions and cultures in Southeast Asia
  • 南亞地區之宗教、文化問題 Issues and problems of religions and cultures in South Asia
  • 中東地區之宗教、文化問題 Issues and problems of religions and cultures in the Middle East and N. Africa



2018年11月30日-12月1日 Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 2018


會議地點 Venue:

國立成功大學文學院文學院演講廳 Conference Hall of College of Liberal Arts, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan


研討會網址Conference website: 




報名日期 Registration Dates 

October 25 - November 16, 2018




報名聯結 Conference Registration: 




主辦單位 Organizer:

國立成功大學文學院多元文化研究中心 Center for Multi-Cultural Studies, College of Liberal Arts, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan


合辦單位 Co-organizer:

成功大學歷史學系 Department of History, NCKU

長榮大學神學院 School of Theology, Chang Jung Christian University

台灣伊斯蘭研究學會 Taiwan Association of Islamic Studies

台灣印度學學會 Taiwan Indological Association

台南市文化局南瀛國際人文社會科學研究中心 International Center for Tainan Area Humanitis and Social Sciences Research



聯絡資訊 Contact info: 

多元文化研究中心 陳佳琦研究員 em52650@email.ncku.edu.tw  06-2757575#52650





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