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  • 2024/06/13 國立故宮博物院蔡慶良博士專題演講
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  • 考古所113學年度碩士班招生考試入學
  • 國立成功大學考古學研究所學生碩士論文計畫補助要點
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首頁 師資介紹 師資陣容 華艾德 Aude FAVEREAU
職稱 助理教授
學歷 法國國立自然史博物館史前考古學博士
研究專長 東南亞考古 (Southeast Asian Archaeology)、陶器分析 (Ceramic Analysis)、南中國海地區金屬器時代的交流網絡(Metal Age Interaction Networks in the South China Sea)
電話 (06)2757575轉52565
電子郵件 aufavereau@gs.ncku.edu.tw


Assistant Professor. Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University. (2019.02 - present)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Fyssen Foundation Fellowship. Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines, Quezon city, Philippines & CNRS-UMR7055 "Préhistoire et Technologie", Maison Archéologie et Ethnologie, Nanterre, France. (2016 & 2018)



Peer-reviewed publications】

  1. Favereau A. & Bellina B. (under review) - Late prehistoric ports in the Thai-Malay Peninsula: mapping regional and long-distance connections through pottery, in Miksic J., Singapura before Raffles: Archeology and the Seas, 400 BCE – 1600 CE, National University of Singapore Press.
  2. Bellina, B., Favereau, A. & L. Dussubieux (forthcoming). Southeast Asian early Maritime Silk Road trading polities’ hinterland and the sea-nomads of the Isthmus of Kra, in Bellina, B, Blench, R. & J.C. Galipaud. Sea nomads of Southeast Asia. From the past to the present, National University of Singapore Press.
  3. Favereau A. (forthcoming) - The Sa Huynh- and/or Kalanay-related pottery style and chronology in southern Thailand, in Muyard F. & Liu Y.C., Maritime Exchange and Localization across the South China Sea, 500 BC - 500 AD, French School of Asian Studies Press.
  4. Favereau A. & Bellina B. (forthcoming) - Reviewing the connections between the Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula and the Philippines during the Late Prehistoric Period (500BC-AD500), in Calanca P., Liu Y.C. & Muyard F., Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolithic to Early Modern Times, French School of Asian Studies Press.
  5. Pradier, P., Kyaw, A., Win, T., Willis, A., Favereau, A., Valentin, F. & T.O. Pryce (2019). Pratiques funéraires et dynamique spatiale à Oakaie 1: une nécropole à la transition du Néolithique à l’âge du Bronze au Myanmar (Birmanie) (Funerary practices and space dynamics at Oakaie 1: a necropolis at the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age in Myanmar). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 116 (3).
  6. Bellina, B., Favereau, A. & L. Dussubieux (2019). Southeast Asian early Maritime Silk Road trading polities’ hinterland and the sea-nomads of the Isthmus of Kra. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54: 102-120.
  7. Favereau, A., T.O. Pryce, et al. (2018/19). Etude technologique du mobilier céramique de deux cimetières d'Age du Bronze en Haute Birmanie et hypothèses chronologiques (Technological analysis of funerary pottery from two Bronze Age cemeteries in Upper Burma and chronological hypotheses), Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient 104: 33-61.


Other publications】

  1. Favereau, A., Bellina, B. Bouvet, P., Lewis, H., Miyama, E., Paz, V., Shoocongdej, R. & M. Yamagata (2019). New evidence of contacts between Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines: the "Black-and-Red Jars" (participation to the conference was cancelled for medical reasons but the abstract was accepted and published). International Austronesian Conference. Technology as Social Practices: 42.
  2. Favereau, A. (2019). Investigating cave sites and small-scale circulations in Southern Thailand based on Iron Age pottery assemblages. The Annual Meeting of Society for Archaeology of Taiwan 會議論文集: 343-350.
  3. Favereau, A. (2019). 從陶器剖析過去社會的脈絡 (Understanding past societies through pottery). Joy 愛十三行, 9: 26-29.



International conferences】

  1. Favereau, A. (2019). Investigating cave sites and small-scale circulations in Southern Thailand based on Iron Age pottery assemblages. The Annual Meeting of Society for Archaeology of Taiwan (臺灣考古學會). 29-30 June 2019, Taipei, Taiwan (invited).
  2. Bellina, B., Maung Sun Win, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Khinsandar Kyaw, Htet Myat Thu, Castillo, C., Colonna, C.,Dussubieux, L., Myo, E., Favereau, A., Miyama, E., Pradier, B., Pryce, O., Srikanlaya, S., Trivière, E., Win Hsan Oo & Yan Naing Ko (2019). Preliminary results of Myanmar’s earliest Maritime Silk Road port-settlements excavation. The 3rd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology (SPAFACON2019). 17-21 June 2019, Bangkok, Thailand (presented by Baptiste Pradier).
  3. Favereau, A. (2019). Late Prehistoric Ports in Peninsular Thailand: Investigating Local and Long-distance Connections through Pottery. International Conference "Singapura before Raffles: Archeology and the Seas, 400 BCE – 1600 CE", 23-24 April 2019, National University of Singapore (invited).


Other conferences and seminars】

  1. Favereau, A. (2021). Evidence of long-distance cultural contacts in southern Thailand and Myanmar (late centuries BCE and early centuries CE). Binalot Talk organized by the Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines. 28 April 2021, online (invited).
  2. Favereau, A. (2021). Myanmar at the Crossroads between South, East, and Southeast Asian Exchange Networks - Cultural Contacts from the Pottery Point of View. IHP-EFEO Seminar 專題演講. 16 April 2021, Taipei, Taiwan (invited).
  3. Favereau, A. & C. Lefrancq (2021). Peninsular Myanmar Early Port-Cities of the Maritime Silk Road and the Bay of Bengal - Indian and Indian-related ceramics in Maliwan and Aw Gyi. Maritime History and Marine and Underwater Archaeology, Indian Ocean Lecture Series, 31 January 2021, online (invited).
  4. Favereau, A. (2019). Understanding past societies through pottery. 2019 New Taipei City International Archeology Forum. 23 March 2019, Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology, New Taipei City, Taiwan (invited).
  5. Miyama, E., Suzuki, T., Favereau, A., Liu, J.-Y., Nguyen, T.B.H., Iizuka, Y. & M. Yamagata (2019). Movement of things, people and technologies in Prehistoric Southeast Asia - Fieldwork report. 263th Regular seminar, Japan Society for Southeast Asian Archaeology. 23 March 2019, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (in japanese, presented by Emily Miyama).



 計畫名稱 計畫內擔任的工作 起訖年月 補助或委託機構
東南亞的金屬時代文化聯繫和社會政治軌跡之調查(公元前5世紀-公元5世紀) 計畫主持人 2020.01-2021.12 科技部



  1. Aude FAVEREAU & Bérénice BELLINA. Reviewing the connexions between the Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula and the Philippines during the Late Prehistoric Period (500 BC – AD 500). Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolithic to Early Modern Times. Taipei: Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient & Institute of History and Philology. Dec, 2019. (Accepted).
  2. Aude FAVEREAU, Bérénice BELLINA, Guillaume EPINAL & Phaedra BOUVET. The South China Sea related ceramic. Khao Sam Kaeo, an early industrial port city between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. Paris. Sep, 2017: 373-390.
  3. Aude FAVEREAU, Eusebio DIZON & Victor PAZ. Ancient potters in the Philippines: an insight into Metal Age society through earthenware productions (first millennium BCE – first millennium CE). Legacy of the Islands. Quezon City. May, 2016: 123-126.
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